Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The long missing Peace Education Conference just contacted me, and I am presenting on September 27th, in the afternoon.

Book me that ticket to Seoul!

And, or course, BKF is co-writer on the paper, so it's a win all around....

now.. I must party... they will find me just like they found Heath Ledger...

well, except he was fit and handsome.. but you know what I mean. ;-)


Anonymous said...

sounds good! Maybe you can contact the frabjus possible job offer!

gracerlacer said...


I got your comment about the survey and everything but there are two things: I'm not in Korea yet and I'm Canadian. Is that still reliant?

Anyways, thanks for the comment. And I don't "know" Kuri per se, I met her on the blog tip. She's a great person, you can see it through her writing.

Anonymous said...

This is your co-author...

I know I would put your name in just about everything I'd do and I wouldn't hire any other English editor (unless you meet your demise much earlier than anticipated...). However, I must let your folks know that I haven't really contributed anything for this paper. In fact, what paper is this? :)

Don't party too hard because you need to conserve your liver cells for the Camel Pouch celebration, if it happens that is...