Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Radio Fame-ology?

I already do a short bit every Tuesday morning at about 10:12 Next Day Future Time. This is on TBS eFM's show 1013 Main Street and if you long to hear my alcohol-damaged, but still nasal and annoying voice, you can go here at that time and click on the "On Air" button to listen.

Like all Korean websites you will need to be fully kitted out with a Windows computer and probably an older browser.

But the good news is that, at least for a while, I'll also be doing a 30 minute segment on Arirang radio (this is, I think, international?) about Korean literature that will talk about a book, it's author, related music, movies, and what it all means with respect to Korean culture.

I have to write it, so it will be a bunch of work (also find the films and watch them), but I guess I have to consider this year a study year. Yvonne's grinding her butt off on her MS program, so I think it is only fair I suffer along.^^

When I have details of how you can listen to me (for the masochists out there), I will pass them along..

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