Monday, July 21, 2008

The Students Speak (Semester Evals)

Well this is a bit weird, the classes ranked me in exact opposite order I would have ranked my own success. Go figure.

Starting with the bad..

In Japanese Studies my rating was a 75%
The overall rating was an 81.2%

I attribute part of this to their only being three sections and the TSR, who is my teaching superior (in fact from whom I've swiped a lot of my new approaches), was the evaluee on one of the other sections. I bet he scored consistently in the 90s.

In International Management my rating was 94.5%
The overall rating was an 81.2%

So I did well on that one

My "triumph" was in the class that I doubt I taught one decent thing.

In Computer Science my overall rating was 100%
The overall rating was 82.6%

So I did well on that one also.

I'm going to have to spend a bit of time pondering why the ratings went this way, when I would have predicted the exact opposite.


Still, ok numbers for my first semester teaching.


Anonymous said...

no one told me statistics would be on the test

Anonymous said...

How did the sex-for-grades thing work out?