Sunday, June 15, 2008


After waking up at noon (the OAF was ill AND snoring all night long, so we took turns sitting up in the living room), we headed out for a walk.

It was a beautiful day in SouthCentral and we headed to the Community Center, so I could try to hook up with some Korean language lessons. This worked out poorly, but out the door we ran into another instructor from BPU and headed to Starbucks for coffee. He had worked in Japan for 14 years, so was interesting to me in terms of a paper I'm working on, and was pretty entertaining.

Then it was off to take a picture where the OAF had busted herself up and she gave it a thumbs down.

Then off to eat some galbi and a trip to the WA bar...

a slow walk home and the OAF crashed out from her illness. I sit here listening to the lovely chaos of the Korean
neighborhood through my open sliding door.

It could be worse and it often has. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Does OAF not yet realize that the peace sign is the universal hand signal for photo subjects in Korea?

Anonymous said...

I can never remember, is it thumbs down for kill them or was it thumbs up. Hard to tell from the look on her face.




Intelligent design

The Korean government are forward thinkers. Some bright spark at the internal affairs office realised that instead of buying costly street sweepers they could just use bored middle aged women. Thusly every Korean mother or aunt is bowlegged, shaped like a question mark and smells of bins. But those street corners, wow.


Anonymous said...

Mr. jolly roger doesn't sound too jolly...