Saturday, January 06, 2007

Thesis and Thethat

After two days of hard work at Swamp Valley College I was able to return to the thesis tonight.

Like the asshole that I am, I have decided that I need 15,000 words, so now I am even more behind. ;-)

Received an anthology which included a more complete biography of Kim as well as an interview and a fragment of an unfinished novel. The bio also had some dates of writing/publication. So after a bit of desultory writing I made a lovely excel spreadsheet with all known books and short stories. Now I know what I have, what is on order, and the one book I apparently still need to get. I swear I already purchased it. Oh well, the spreadsheet has a lovely area from comments so I can keep better track of these things and how the interlace.

I have 2,516 words of new writing and still
3,304 words of the old
which means 9,180 to go

as well as a lovely database and the vague realization I had better print all this crap out over the weekend and come up with some kind of narrowed thesis for the thing. Maybe it’s time to write the initial abstract? That’ll add 150 words to the thing without even having to think about it.

Ah well.. now I need an even 340 words a day to hit my target of rough draft by February… never gonna happened kiddies. ;-)

Oh, Yeah.. also time to burn a backup CD just out of general feelings of paranoia.

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