Here we are in lovely Spokane and Yvonne, or course, made me go out and buy a 13lb turkey despite the mathematical, physical, and theoretical realities that we could never get near finishing it. Also bought an entire pie for both of us, FOUR boxes of stuffing, and wanted to buy extra biscuits... Anyway, when it was ready it became clear our kitchen did not have enough serving plates, but it looked something like this:
You will also notice our lovely table and chairs, purchased right off the truck as they were delivered to the thrift store...
Also, as I look at this picture it occurs to me that we never made the biscuits.
Dessert was what you would expect. We had one pie and this is what it looked like after our pieces were cut out:
And in case anyone had questions about how that worked out in practice? The piece in the front is Yvonne's and the one in back is mine.^^
And, of course, breakfast today was a cup of coffee, a slice of pie, and a long walk in the semi-rain to try to work some of it off.