Sunday, July 27, 2008


Mang... was there ever a better live "Hard Rock" band?

As part of my exile from the Empire I am downloading any music and/or movie that comes to mind. So I grabbed the two Illusion albums by G'n'R and am rather enjoying them.

I remember thinking, when they came out, that they needed the razor blade of a producer - the albums were overblown and nearly everything ran on too long. Still, Axl was all depressed and angry (which is good, these are the two notes he could really play), Slash was still playing clean guitar, and the incredibly pretty Steven Adler had not yet had his drug-induced stroke (although he really only played on one song).

I saw these guys once and despite the fact that my date ditched me it was one of the best shows I've ever seen.

Axl, dude.. get it together...

So.. with alla this innartubology here, what other bands should I be downloading?

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