Friday, July 25, 2008

Hanoi Rocks, Seoul Brothers, and I Suck...

ya'll better bow down to Hanoi Rocks...

so.. this weekend will be a trip back in time.. plenty of coffee, a ton of booze, and the OAF squiring me around. Something like hotel medicine.

But no hotel.

And no medicine.

Several months of laziness result in me having to write my conference paper this weekend. I've done the research, but not the writing...

It's only 12 pages and I have all the research done, but I'm lazy...

I may need to get my intarwebs and cable shut off.

I haven't watched a bit of TV since I've got cable, but the Intarwebs seem to be entirely sufficient for me to find a reason to do nothing.

Ah well.. it is early here in the cradle of civilization, and I am about to slumber.....

meet the OAF at the I-cafe and start writing..

yeah, that's the plan. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This would be SO banned in Russia!

