Monday, July 28, 2008

So, if you can't seem to finish the paper due this Friday.. why not start another one?

More evidence I'm a retard. ;-)

Actually, got up to about 1,500 words on the Kuala Lumpur paper, so halfway there and it is all mapped out. Emailed the folks at the "peace studies" conference. They were supposed to contact us on the 18th of July, but I haven't heard a word back. Their website also hasn't changed.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were all out back smoking something skunky and making wool-and-stick mandalas for the tourist trade. Or plotting to violently overthrow the government.

One of the two.

It is ungodly hot here in the third level of hell and I am soon to run out of Mint Juleps.

The horror......

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