Saturday, July 05, 2008

Old Blighty

Heh.. only 25 visits to the blog from Angla Terra.. but what grand names they have!

I like to pretend that one day, while I Stoke on Trent, I will Bolton some kind of Maidenhead.

And then I'm tripping around the intertubes and come to realize that the old Battersea power station is the new Tate Gallery.

This compresses two of my gestational London experiences into one bit of diamond-like awesomeness. I accidented upon the old Tate whilst (note the Anglicism trip off my tongue) taking a tour of pubs on London's streets. And I found the Battersea station on the same kind of walk down the Thames.

And now they are one beautiful thing.

man, I'd love to go back to London...

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