Friday, July 04, 2008

The Gods Are Great!

When you give, with clean heart but filthy apartment, to the Great Garbage Fairy What Lives In The Sky he responds in kind.

He is a just and caring Gawd...

And, surely, he must have noticed the amazing procession of donations flowing from my flat: Floats of delivery pizza boxes; rafts of empty beer-cans; pyramids of soju bottles, and; soiled adult diapers.

Yeah, life has been that good!

So when TSR kicked me a TV for half price and I had to use my bedroom table to support the ungainly metallic monstrosity?

The Great Garbage Fairy What Lives In The Sky saw it in his benevolence to provide me, on my very next walk home, with another table.

And here you see it supporting my "Fan of Death" (Soon to be a Major Motion Picture starring Gene Simmons' tongue as the fan)

All hail the GGFWLITS!

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