Saturday, July 05, 2008

Busan - Part 2

The second morning in Busan was semi-drizzly and we headed off to get some muffins and coffee/cocoa before we tackled the Busan Aquarium. On the way over there was a dancing competition, so I had to stop and take a couple of pictures of the dancers. The were dancing to some pretty terrible rap - bitches, hos and niggaz in every line - and I wondered if they had any idea what the lyrics were saying.

Then it was off to the aquarium. It is world class, although I was highly amused by the oddball dioramas that were sometimes thrown in. In the pirhanha tank someone had placed a skeleton:

And the very next exhibit featured a leopard eating a fish. This is something I had been unaware of, but I'm not here to argue about Korean culture OR tigers. ;-)

Some pretty cool fishies and jellies:

And a shark that, after investigating the OAF, decided that she was probably inedible:

After that it was off to James' and a delicious tuegi-bibimbap lunch, followed by a KTX back to South-Central.

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