Saturday, March 22, 2008

Random Photos

This is what I call "The Waiting Room" because if you fall down on it, you will probably have to visit the doctor. It is the soccer pitch and I was told that the last person who slid on it (playing softball, actually) was at the hospital the next day with an entirely infected leg. I thought this might be a story, but I watched a soccer game and there was absolutely no tackling and even the goalie never went to the ground attempting a save. The dirt is a combination of yellow-dust (from China), spit, and whatever else garbage blows around on it. I walk around it. ;-)

In the back is one of our pink buildings.

My Computer Science Class hard at work

I assigned a warmup exercise, boys against girls and the boys immediately went into this huddle. It didn't help them at all, as the women crushed them using a more relaxed Monkey-Style Learn-Fu.

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