Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mystery Ick Redux

I took another stab at preparing the “unknown food” last night. Having had uncertain luck the first time I decided I would try it in some kind of mash-up. First came the delicious vegetables and half a sausage of mystery lunchmeat. A splash of hot bean sauce on that and it was into the frying pan.

At the same time, as the instructions (seem?) to show, I boiled the unknown food and after a few minutes at full boil (which had no apparent effect on the stuff) strained it, which only revealed that some of the starch had been cooked loose from the ???? and I sluiced that off because it looked repulsively like some kind of body fluid.
A quick taste of the ??? revealed that boiling it, if anything, resulted in something slightly worse than frying it. At least frying it had resulted in small burnt patches that tasted like charcoal – That’s a taste that my cooking ‘skills’ frequently create. ;-) This stuff tasted like sticky nothing.

Nothing to do but toss it into the frying pan with the other stuff and let some of the sticky cook off it.

The end result was pretty palatable, but primarily because of the other ingredients. I don’t think, even if Ed ever identifies this stuff for me, it will be getting into my shopping basket again.
The thought occurs to me that perhaps it isn't food? There really is no way for me to tell that I haven't been eating something like a bushing for a washing machine.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Yummy LG parts. NOPE! I explained this to you before- but the mind has wonderful abilities to forget those things that are too horid to remember. Just dump some kim cheese on it.

    Oh, and my master says she needs your bank acount number. man I hope she is going to draw some un-godly amount out of it and by me some camera gear.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I DID comment on the last journal entry that the stuff is sliced rice cake, made of rice, of course. Hence the starchy fluid after boiling it. Consider it a bowl of rice. No one just eats that (except your AF) because it has NO taste. This means your discovery of "no taste" is right on target. Can they be used as rubber packing in LG washing machine? Perhaps so. Nonetheless, my friend, you were not eating machine were eating what is meant to be eaten.

    p.s. Two most popular method of cooking it is to boil and to pan-fry (so you're "right on" on this one, too). You may also put some in your ramen soup to add some starch in your diet, if you so desire.

