Friday, March 21, 2008

Socially Clubbed...

It was a good Social Club and primarily because of who wasn’t there. The bitter crew did not show up, and the newbies (minus a Canadian and me, who had to teach) weren’t there. So it was a small group and conversation flowed, as did the beer (I write this at 1AM, which is wildly outside of my “awake” time here in Korea) and this group quickly boiled down to about 8 who were evenly split between lifers and newbies, but none of whom had the “hate Korea” thing going on. So we drank and joked (I just realized, only one smoker tonight – I wonder what the relationship between smoking and bitterness is?) until we were tired of drinking (Except for the Australian, who never tires of drinking – in this way Korean bars are uniquely suited for him as they have no required closing time and will normally stay open until the last group of customers leaves) and then we joked a bit more and headed into the chilly night.

The Aussie and I are in the same building, so we walked down and talked a bit more – primarily about the drunken Ajeoshi who spat a big old loogie of snot onto the floor of the restaurant because.. well .. because he’s Korean goddamnit and they do stuff like that. His lovely wife stuffed too much of some leafy vegetable in her mouth and had to be aided by a friend across the table in removing all of it. Drunken Korean behavior can be quite odd by Western standards.
I’m sure this is all going to hurt tomorrow.. but only because Thumper is gonna wake me up at 6:45.

A good, but wasted, night. Which is double-plus good.

Got a job for hire to do..and need to push 1,000 more words into the marketing piece. Bank, mop, laundry.. two days of domestic stuff then the photo expedition..

Should be a good weekend, except for the fact my USB card reader is going the way of all flesh. I imagine the Nikon store has an answer to that.

The bank was enirely too easy. I had brought all my Hangul words having to do with banking; this planning entirely erased by the lure of the easy “In English” button. Sure enough, the check was in there and I pulled 300,000 Won out with the intent that 400K will get me through a month… we shall see.. If it does I will have piled up a good savings this month and that is a big part of the ongoing plan.

Thumper McStomp was blessedly quiet this morning and I slept til 9:30. This is the closest thing I’ve had to a hangover (I’m sure Soju would cure it!) since I got to Korea and I’m really not enjoying it. The long walk to the bank helped, but I think reading a bit more of “Creation” and taking a nap will really be the thing for it.

I’ll head back to PC Bang to try to catch the OAF – Who has been “evicted” to Antioch because her landlady’s ex-husband has taken to getting drunk and smashing his way into the house through whatever locked window suits him.

So that’s two car crashes, three jobs and three moves/evictions in the last year. A pretty impressive record for chaos.

If only (viz. Mr. Rotten) we all got cash for chaos.


  1. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Damn cardreaders- The one in my new computer showed up dead, the one I have been using died.

    Just think, if the OAF had a blurple jeep she could drive it AND call it home.


  2. Anonymous6:08 AM

    So continues the "Curse of the Yellow Blood Diamond."

    However, one should never say things can't get more chaotic. I see a plane in OAF's future...


    yellow blood? what? didn't mr. spock have yellow blood or something? haaa...
