Friday, March 07, 2008

Living on the Cheap, In the Land of the Morning Calm…

So, you get up in the morning and have a delicious crab-sandwich from the GS 25 store, 1,000 measly Won. You wander over to work, where you grab the ‘mocha coffee stick” and open it into a small Dixie-like cup. Then you get hot water from the machine and you have sugar-coffee (certain to reduce moral fiber, but all you’re gonna get around here). Free, gloriously free! Up to your heated office and some computer dorking. Then class.

Lunch is late, because of one thing or another and so you push it to an early-ish dinner. Stop at the store to get

1) 4 mild Ramen
2) Container of Garlic in water
3) Small bottle Soju (it’s Friday baby!)
4) Grape juice.

The Ramen and Garlic will last several more days. The entire expenditure for this is 7,200 won (about 7 bucks) and with some chopped up veggies and a small sausage, you got dinner for well under 4 bucks. Later, I’ll check to see if the strawberries are still tasty and if they are, that’s dessert.

Simple, cheap, and with bottled water and my multivitamin, reasonably healthy.

So my question to me is –

Why was this not possible when I lived in San Jose?

I blame society. ;-)


  1. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Instant coffee? Let me know when Peets opens up a shop there...

    Husband of Your Sis

  2. HYS - They do have Starbucks, but it is wildly expensive (well, even more expensive than 'normal' Starbucks).

    You just don't find good coffee around this burg.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    ...I blame society.

    That's bullshit. You're a white suburban punk just like me."

    Ah,Repo Man. Immortal words my son, immortal words.

    yer sis

  4. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Maybe, just possibly, you did not fear so much for your intestinal well-being in San Jose.

