Saturday, March 08, 2008

One Inch of Intestine


I was trying to walk to downtown (I think I was lost, but don't know) and felt a bit of rumbling in my stomach. Couldn't be anything, sez I to myself, as I had taken care of all that nonsense at home. Until 5 minutes later it became clear that it was something - the fabled Korean Grippe. I was nowhere near a bathroom and I had left my toilet paper at home. In Korea you really can't trust that your toilet stall (with toilet or squat-toilet) will have toilet paper and so you carry your own. With some regret I turned around (noted a Samsung store on the other side of the street) and scooted, increasingly clenched, home.

That 5 minutes almost turned out to be tragic and if it had been 5 minutes and 30 seconds it would have been too long. Let's say that I made it and then pull a veil over this unfortunate incident.

I was bummed, but after sitting around (so to speak) for an hour, all seemed returned to normal and I took another walk about town which resulted in procuring thumbtacks and a mini-DV tape. I also spotted the place that I will be purchasing my "Window Stuffer Anti-Korean Honking, Hawking and Spitting, and Yelling into a Cell Phone System" (patent pending). The only thing I'm having difficulty finding is western-style hangers for my shirts.

Still, 3 out of 4 isn't bad and I didn't have to do too much idiotic pantomime to get the things. Korean class begins on Tuesday, with study group on Friday, and I hope this will speed things up a bit.

I have a slightly better grasp on the classes and next week, when we get into our canned curriculum I will have a bit more to learn. But two weeks after that I hope to be confident enough to take a weekend off and head up to Seoul.

The mini-DV tape should mean a video-post quite shortly.. perhaps exploring the contested terrain (me versus the mold) of my apartment. ;-)

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