Thursday, March 06, 2008

So Now That I Know it All.... ;-)

Second day of teaching went better, although my class is now up to 37 students which makes group work absolutely cacophonous. I can’t whine about this, since I hated instructors in the States who complained about their “workload.”

Some people never do have a real job. Lucky sods.

There were mix-ups in student scheduling that had to be dealt with afterwards. I discovered, to my intense joy, that there is a wireless network in that building so I was able to upload some changes I’m making to my websites. I think I need to designate one as my official website for business/education/marketing uses and the other as my play site. So a few things will be coming along to Spunangel.

Then, more hassling with class planning. They promise me that the Academic Writing class will likely be small and completely up to my discretion as to content and grading. All a bunch of “blah, blah, blah” that sounded to me like, “sex for grades.” ;-) Well, in the hands on one less trustworthy than I. In any case, I’ll need to think about this one over the weekend. Tomorrow I meet two new classes with the lesson-plan adjustments learned in the first one. Should go better.

Didn’t get out in time to do any of the shopping I wanted to. The effing Canon website is OUT of the battery chargers for my camera. Perfectly understandable as no on uses the Digital Rebel these days.

On the way home I stopped at the GS 25 Mart and it was out of its little crab sammiches! What to do? What to do? Everything else looked so very… Korean. I took a chance on a small triangular wedge of something green. I figured it was small enough to finish, even if it was bad. Lo and behold, when I got to the counter it was knocked down from 700 Won to 500 Won because it was late in the day. Koreans frequently do this to a foodstuff they deem better served fresh. Even the large grocery stores start discounting meat on the first day.. the later you shop, the better the deal you get. And it was delicious! The suspicious green was, of course, seaweed. But the inside was rice and some kind of savory (maybe meat-based?) sauce/stew. The seaweed gave the thing just the right amount of bite, so now I have another “safe” thing to buy. Well, of course, they probably stuff these things with everything from rice and beans to rice and fermented Skunk belly-button. My luck to get the best one first, and the next one will be between the Skunk belly-button and the pepper-sauced e-coli paste. As I think about it, those last two would be 900 Won each, because they would be reputed to have special healing powers (In a Nietschzean kind of way).

Still, it was a win.

I had been planning to eat in the school cafeteria, but as I had left my wallet at home, I only had about 1,400 Won in change in my pockets. Turned out ok though. I didn’t have to use my AK.


  1. have discovered the "Triangular Seaweed Rice Ball"! I used to eat that all the time in Korea because it was so convenient when running from one place to another. Or, simply take a few of those (of different flavor if you so choose) and a ramen, and you get a ok meal. I had an email exchange with your lovely fiencee. She seems to do doing alright for now.

    ps. another thing to try is a package of cooked rice, ready to eat when heated up. It's called "Hep-bon". definitely safe because there's nothing in it except cooked rice.

  2. Just plain rice seems a bit.. well, plain.

    Still the Triangular Seaweed Rice Ball is the bomb.

    My OAF, on the other hand, is the nuclear bomb, at least in a car. ;-)

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Stop it! You're making me SO hungry!

