Saturday, March 01, 2008

Alien Whale Pods

Today was Alien Registration Card Day. About 10 or 11 of us stuffed into two cars to head to the local consulate. In “Monday’s Mean Mail” I will refer to the fact that many of our group are pretty fat. How fat? So fat that I didn’t have the slightest chance of getting into the front seat of either car. The last two times I was in Korea, I was always in the front seat. In any random group of Koreans I’m gonna be the fat guy and thus get the coveted front seat. In this group I wasn’t in consideration – I’d have to pack on at least 50 pounds to even be in the running and I’d still have to be in the ‘lighter’ of the two cars to earn the front seat. We be fat!

So three of us fatties, without seatbelts, for there was not even room for a wafer-thin mint between us, were jammed in the back seat as we careened through downtown Daejeon.

I can’t imagine what local Koreans thought about all the avoirdupois stuffed into, and then pouring out of, these two medium sized cars except possibly to call for the Japanese guys with the harpoons.

All went well for all but two of us. Most of us are on the more prestigious E1 (professor) visa, but two of us were on the E2 (teaching kids) visa and as it turned out they need to go to the hospital and get a blood and urine test (primarily for THC and AIDS screening, but also for other drugs that might pop up). Not me though, so now I am safe to go back to the Chinese Rock.

As I looked back on previous posts I note that I left out a picture of the bedroom and the rather astoundingly large deck. I sense some lawnchair parties before this whole thing is over. As soon as the intarwebs man lands at my apartment, I will post these pictures as well as a snapshot of Daejeon's Lovely Panorama.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "all my best things are in hock"
    Ah, Johnny Thunders and the Ramones, a hard to beat twofer.

    And lo and behold, check it!

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    shoju on the deck with indescribable hors d'ouevres?
    yer mom
