Friday, February 29, 2008

Learning and Drinking

Today was all about learnin shit… Got up at 7:30. This not drinking so much is alarming because it gives you so much spare time. Took a walk around the neighborhood, came back and showered and then headed up to the training which was informative and brief and packed with breaks (e.g. the 1.5 hour lunch). I spent most of my time during the breaks on IM or surfing the net. Then, after a little walk occasioned by my getting hopelessly lost, I got home and studied the only syllabus I have. Also the textbook, which is, I think, common to many of the classes. A lot of “make-work” in the workbook, so I will have to sort out what is useful. Gave in and ordered internet access, though I know I will regret this as it will chew up time I should be working.

The great Korean working man comes to hook me up on Saturday and, unreasonably, they expect you to stay home for an entire 1 HOUR window of time!!! SBC could take a lesson from this, although I suppose it is presumptuous of me to say this before I actually see the guy at my house.

As I write this I sit in the bar waiting for the Weekly Social Event to convene. I was bored at home, so came up early. The waitress won’t serve me til someone else shows up. No matter how much you drink? In Korea you’re only a drunk if you do it alone.

If I weren’t such a solo drinker I’d love this country.

Had an ugly moment when my FedEx tracking revealed my ‘library’ of books had been sent back from Incheon to Memphis. But by the time I was out of my training the Wayguk ‘handler’ had already received a call from FedEx and I think everything is sorted out. Apparently an estimated valuation over $100.00 automatically invokes tariffs in Korea, unless your package is in a protected category like used clothing or books.

Yeah, books, the very thing I had shipped, a fact that was advertised on the top of the bill of handling. My guess is that the guy who received this in Incheon could read US numbers and not read US language. Thus he rejected it for valuation.

The good news is that it seems likely that the books are on their way back to me, and I will check this out as soon as I get up to training today.

The Drinking Expedition was interesting, but probably not safe to post here. Anyone who wants to get weakly "Mean Emails" may do so by emailing me at and the bile will follow.

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