Saturday, March 01, 2008


No intarwebs at home as the laptop seems to have damaged Ethernet port. No doubt a symptom of the "Great Drop of '08".

But here's the pix...

That one there on the right is the bedroom I am not sleeping in...

The one down below itis going to be of the Awesome Party Deck. And, yeah, I am trademarking that.

Finally.. down there is a hastily cobbled together version of my view from the deck.. Click here for a bigger one.. man..


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    So I guess you'll be buying a nice LG laptop while you are over there?

    Nice deck, great cocktail location!

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous3:21 AM

    ah, nature. Looks great. Why you aren't sleeping in the bedroom? I must have missed that.
    yer mom
