Friday, December 22, 2006

Rats... fire down the slag-melter...

It is now illegal to melt pennies and nickels.


Soaring metals prices mean that the value of the metal in pennies and nickels exceeds the face value of the coins. Based on current metals prices, the value of the metal in a nickel is now 6.99 cents, while the penny's metal is worth 1.12 cents, according to the U.S. Mint.

One good thing about dollars... until they become completely worthless we won't be doing anything but spending them...


I'm buying nickels with them.

/My limited math skills suggest that not only do nickels provide a better return - a whopping 39% - than pennies - a paltry 12% - but that there are fewer of the buggers needed to get this whole scheme going).

I wonder how many nickels you'd actually have to melt to overcome the startup costs of the blast furnace and power?

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