Sunday, December 17, 2006

Almost Over

I just sent my last classroom assignment to my "Just Barely Accredited Master's Program." It was on Melville's "Bartleby The Scrivener" which is a story I love and have loved since I first read it a few years ago. The crazy artisto-deluxe at Swamp Valley College recommended it to me back then and I really liked it.

I liked it even more within the context of "American" (meaning "US") Romanticism, but when it came to writing the paper I was completely flat. It's done and will be an A (I think) but I don't want to have to write anything academic anything again until I do my thesis.

If I do?

It will be deconstructionist slogans.

Written with a machine gun.

On the chest of innocent passers by.

From a fucking tower.

I'd ask what kind of moron gets an MA in English.. but I have a mirror.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    As a moron who got a BA in English, I can say pretty authoritatively that a Masters in same is more valuable than you think. With my BA - and a little tweaking 13 years ago at a community college - I started a now-lucrative career in Technical Publications. You could do likewise, but with a Masters you could effortlessly leap up to management where the real cash can be found.

    And there's academia, or secondary education if you're brave. Last but not least, there's screen/TV writing. Most of the original writers for "The Simpsons" were guys with Masters in English Lit.

    So don't despair.

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    hey there, just clicking to thank you for giving our song delancey a personal 8 on that salon song search thingy. that was pretty cool, especially from a professed husker du fan.

    i'd like to think that almost all of the songs we do are actually a lot louder than that one but you're welcome to visit our myspace and check em out.

    now to read your blog,
    the jbg

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    two comments? (Now three of course.) Must be a record.

    Give Ox and his gorgeous wife a hug and Seasonal wishes from me!

