Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Pic of Ox's smashed Truck

For those of you who know the Ox, you probably don't know that last Tuesday he finished the job that he had begun weeks before in Portland. He got his car rear-ended into oblivion. Once again, it was not his fault. As Ox returned from a teleconference north of his house (hmmm.. if it was a teleconference why did he have to leave home) he was rear-ended by a man in an SUV. Ox was slowing down for traffic in front of him and the guy behind him missed the sea of brake-lights in front of him and slammed into OX and actually pushed him off the highway. If you look closely you will notice that there is no glass in the rear window of the truck - this is because Ox's head slammed all of that out.

I received a message from Ox about 9:15 that night and when I called back he said "I've been in a crash and will call you back in 5 minutes." So I waited around for him to call and since this crash occurred in Hometown USA, I headed a couple of miles away to pick him up. He was a bit concussed so instead of bringing him to my house for a drink (BTW - we were supposed to have had a drink that night, but Ox canceled due to the teleconference. If he had that drink, none of this would have happened. You know what moral I draw from this!) I drove him down to his house in Coastal USA. He talked semi-distractedly all the way down and when I got him home his lovely wife fixed me a cup of coffee and I raced back home. One thing about freeways after 11 pm, there really isn't much traffic, so that trip only took about 75 minutes.

The kicker of the whole thing is the idiot who hit him may be an uninsured driver. This would truly suck. The BAG and I may head down to Coastal USA on Xmas day and I'm sure we'll hear more about this. Ox was, fortunately, relatively unscathed other than the bump on his head and that, I suppose, is the good news.

Those of you who have his contact info can feel free to send him letters of consolation for his mighty truck. ;-)

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