Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rooms Redux

The last post gathered such universal approbation ("it is so clean," raved anonymous) that I thought I'd post the other two pics that might tie the whole thing together..

this is the living room and it contains, as the clever eye might see, the refrigerator over there on the LEFT side. It also has the TV (inexplicably showing Rachel Ray) and the door to the dreaded outside world. This room is only used for watching the tube, so it is a bit underdecorated.

All of this is neatly tied together by the "closet in the middle of the house" which looks like this (from the living room)

with door number one leading to the kitchen, door number two leading to the bathroom and door number three (with it's charming glass window indicating the basic "garageness" of the entire proceedings) leading to the bedroom.

So (and entirely not to scale) it looks something like this:

and that is the pad.

TOMORROW - "Inside My Dental Work!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Recollections of childhood: I am the one who was struck by the cleanliness and, yes, I do read scraps about once a week so as to see what you are doing or not doing.
    the mom
