Saturday, November 04, 2006

In the rooms where I live

My mother says she reads this thing now and then..

and I've moved and she (well, anyone, really) has never seen the pad. So tonight, after sending off some slightly honeyed high-velocity doggie-biscuits of prose to my "Just Barely Accredited Master's Program" I wandered the inside chambers of my own personal Taj Mahal and snapped off a few shots.

Which is local slang for smoking crack and masturbating.

After I woke up from that bother, I grabbed the camera to show what my lovely converted garage looks like....

This is the kitchen (no oven, which is a bit of a drag) and yes, the entire doorframe is in that shot and, no, there is no refrigerator, but worry not little ones (the refrigerator will show up in tomorrow's shocking and revealing photos)..

I primarily use the kitchen to heat the place on cooler mornings.

The bathroom is directly opposite this (I suppose tomorrow I will take some exterior shots and draw some kind of layout) and it is a shotgun bathroom if one ever existed.

you can't see the shower and bath because they are to the left (as you look) of the toilet and behind the slight wall you see just past the wood cabinet.

And then, the lovely bedroom which is quite spacious and (with the light you see on the ceiling turned off and my lamps on) very feng-shuied in my personal way. Of course using the fish-eye-ish lens means the books on my dresser loom scarily, but that's just how it's gotta be...


  1. Anonymous11:56 PM


    Love the 950/wisteria painting next to the HST memorial Stedman-- nice touch

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    So what does the outside look like?;-)

  3. Anonymous1:25 AM

    13 years at berkeley and you still don't know left from right! i'm proud.

  4. Anonymous2:53 AM

    it is so clean
