Wednesday, November 08, 2006

First Election in Some Time

That I've gone to bed without a hangover the night before... last time I went to sleep believing in victory I woke up and Bush was president.

Locally we have the Terminator beating a bore and a couple of other Republicans in on his coat-tails. No big deal, the republicans here actually think and learn (well, Arnold seems to) which separates them from Repubs out of the state. Locally McInerny seems to be beating Pombo in District 11 (Pombo loses at least 2% in any election for his "gay caballero" moustache) and that unbelievable piece of shit Santorum is down and out. I hear Katherine Harris also lost.

The House is good and the Senate might work out depending on some real nailbiters that are still up for grabs. Now the Demos have to figure out how to not do a piss-poor job and leave the field open for the next Republican set of campaigns which would claim that this (really rather weak, for all it's excellence) midterm election victory and lack of results would prove the Democrats can't govern. Which, since everything is fucked up, could happen. The Republican trick is to irrevocably break everything and then turn to Democrats and ask, "well, how would *you* fix this pile of rubble?"

US voters are normally to short-memoried to remember who effed things up (and also the idiot citizens voted for the bunglers) and Demos still haven't figured out a tack to deal with this.

Anyway.. if I'm in charge of the Democratic Brain Trust, right after I make forced homosexual inter-racial abortion mandatory for minors in my ganja-camps, I adopt the following stragedies:

1) Give up on restrictive gun control -- because you can't trust the government and if dumb rednecks kill their own kids or blow the heads off their own erections at night? It's a bonus. Punish people who misuse guns and let it go. Bonus points? Many hunters (Cheney hunts humans, so he is exempt) are environmentalist -- you can't hunt duck, say, without wetlands...

2) Abandon gay marriage -- it's a puny and insignificant thing that pisses the sexually insecure off. There are legal ways to do the exact same thing. Sorry gays, but you can still be fabulous.

3) Don't make abortion a litmus test (this should go for the looney right as well, but, well, they're looney, so they can still be concerned). Fight for abortion rights on libertarian grounds, not moral ones.

After that, I smoke some medicinal marijuana with a couple of illegal immigrants I know.


We do some welfare fraud and steal car tires.

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