Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Snowing in Seoul

With the semester coming to its usual tangled end, the snow is falling in Seoul. It looks nice and engenders the typical Seoul "oh mi Gawd!" responses to snow - freak out, get out the brooms(!), toss down some cardboard, halmoni and halbogee (and broken-footed me) walking at even more glacial paces, and cars with bald tires spinning out even on the little snow we have on the mild hills surrounding my house.

This must be shitty for the motorcycle delivery men, for more than one reason.

As to me, I'm still grinding out these writing things... 1200 words on Gyeongju is now off to 10 Magazine Asia and I turn to my photo essay for Education About Asia, which is due Friday. Last night was spent cranking out the last of 14 model essays for some high-school around here. Still, relaxed enough to come into work today for some coffee and strawberries.

Then time to think about re-writing next semester's classes...

Assuming I have the same classes this Spring that I had last Spring, I should be good to go. During the break I'm teaching one of my troublesome classes - "Discussion and Presentation English." The Presentation part is pretty easy - some peformance, some short speeches, and how to do Powerpoint properly.

Like a retard I was thrashing around on what the "Discussion" thing meant?

Last night a thought occured.

"Ok, maybe," decides I, "Discussion is like Converation.. only with... discussion?"

And Bingo.. now the class is writing itself in my head 8 weeks of discussion and 8 weeks of Presentation. Weird, almost like the name of the class!

LOL.. I'm stooopid


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Snowed here too. Not unheard of. What was interesting was how low the snow levels were- Auburn had a bunch of snow- your sister managed to get into work on time- from the snowiest place on the planet, but most of the other county employees didn't... I think she might have just gone down there to drink hot chocolate in her office.


  2. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Snowed here too -- down to 300 feet. That's Lake Temescal level, buddy. Brrr! Very pretty to see, but I've been too scared to look out on my back patio at what has become of my poor semi-tropical plants. c'est la vie.(global warming, my foot!)

