Saturday, December 05, 2009

On a Saturday..

It is freezing and beautiful in Seoul.

On the streets people are preceded by their condensed breath, and they walk briskly.

I can do no such thing.

After years of joking from my family about my injuries being gout?

They have brought it to me. LOL

Woke up two days ago with a swollen big toe... all the sam gyap sal and wine have turned on me. I wasn't sure what it was.. so I just iced it and it got better (read: I also went back to my semi-vegetarian foodstyle). Last night the lovely "someday-to-be-ex-wife" came by and wanted to go out for dinner.

BANG.. beef and soju and the toe is all swelt...

Crap.. if this continues I'll need to be concerned about my health!


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I looked up the cure on a Korean website. You need to eat more kimchi.


  2. Anonymous12:40 AM

    webMD says it ain't meat and booze (so feel free tp return to those fulfilling patterns of behavior).


  3. hmm..

    WebMD seems to specifically blame beer and meat, asking to limit them...

    so, bibimbap and soju it is!

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    well it's weird--first they blame red meat and beer, then later they say something along the lines of "it used to be thought that meat and alcohol caused gout, but now...."

    It does seem to be correlated, but not causal I guess.....

    anyway, get better. I have a stinkin' SK cold. sniff.

    yer sis

  5. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Could it be an after effect of having been drank under the table by your own mother?


  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    so let us know. is it gout? if so, I was prescient! trip great; Cambodia very sobering but hopeful.
