Thursday, February 19, 2009


Teh ague is almost gone and consequently I’m much more optimistic. I made it to the office today and got a new swipe-card to get in my apartment building. The lovely OAF, for some reason in her alien head, took my card to Busan and left it in a restaurant. So I’ve been getting in on the charity of friends or, worse, leaving the basement windows jimmied and crawling back through them. This was not much of a problem when I was sick, as I stayed in most of the time, but now that I’m recovering I wanted out.

Talked to the Brit-going-to-China and he regaled me with stories of talking (on the internet) Chinese girls out of their underpants and into sending him pictures. Rather classic tales, particularly from a man who is going to China to get married to another woman. Canadians may have pot-smoking and child-abuse down pat, but no one beats the English for promiscuity.

Semi-relatted, this evening I finally got the notion for my Brit-Am Culture class. It’s going to be based on shared generative myths, like manifest destiny in the US and the white mans’ burden in the UK, and I will use lecture and media (primarily videos and music) to tie the thing together. It may be a bit raggedy as I work it out, but it will be a thing of beauty by the time I’m through the first semester. It’s also an approach which will maximize the impact of my devious bullshittery and give me plenty of time to sit on my keister and watch movies.

So.. that makes the auditory and the culture class well into the bag. Now I have to figure out how to combine the speech and debate classes… it might not be too difficult.

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