Monday, February 16, 2009

I are Ubiquitous!

Some other time (I'm too lazy to find the post), I noted that if waegukin go to festivals in Korea, they run the risk of being immortalized in print. Now I see it is more.

Back from the States, I'm sitting with the OAF watching Arirang, which has mysteriously finally showed up on my cable now that I'm about to leave for Seoul. I am nearly unconscious from this ague I have, but even through the haze, I see a flash of something on the TV screen..

a brief glimpse of a tremendously handsome man; chiseled features, a noble brow, eyes that seem to penetrate the universe itself, his equanimity, grace, and wisdom pour through the screen.


It was me... Check out at about 45 seconds into this bad boy...


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM


  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    No wonder they can't get no tourists in Korea!

  3. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Say, when you're done being sick and famous maybe you could put up a new FB profile pic.

