Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Pad

I'm excited to be moving, as I always am. I really like tossing things out, and since I have to walk all my belongings down three flights of stairs, up three blocks and then up five flights of stairs, this is a good chance to shed some things.

Also, it will be a relief to move out from underneath TMS. I'm sure that since I'm such a noise-pansy I'll find something to dislike in the new place, but for now I am optimistic. The place is a bit messy (rice strewn here and there, bits of fluff on the floor) but I like it. When TSR was in the place he had a couch, and there was some rumor that he was going to leave that for me. When he left, however, it was unclear who would get the apartment, so he apparently gave it to someone else. This turns out to be a bonus, as it makes the place much more spacious (the picture to the left somehow makes the place look smaller than it actually is).

I'm also glad the new place has an area I can dedicate to the computer and books. Sharing a table between computer gear and dinner never really worked out for me. The "kitchen" in the new place is minimalist - 1.5 electric burners, a sink, and a dormer fridge, but I've dealt with a lot less than that in the past, so I don't think that should be an issue.

For today, this all just means a lot of trips up the hill with various furniture and with my suitcase on wheels.

It's a heck of a way to spend my vacation!



  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    You can't have acquired too much but the spacious new accomodations leave room to expand -- furniture-wise!

  2. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Oooh... nice pink fly swatter! Will you be moving your stunning foamcore window barricades as well? Are you now sans balcony?

    Incidentally, I know the real reason you moved is because you didn't want to keep housing all of those overseas visitors. :-p

  3. LOL... I did bring the foamcore barricades with me. And I have the computer area all set up and it has already brought the increased productivity I had hoped for. Two revs on the KLTI translation in two days.

    I have no idea why a desk helps me so much, but gotta face up to it.

    The flyswatter is a legacy from the TSR. It could be a gift or a comment, I'm not sure which.
