Thursday, August 14, 2008

Catching Up: Part One - Second day in Seoul

Was grand...

Got up and the alien wanted to go bookshopping, which we did a little of and then got involved in a pretty cool event across from the bookstore.

Saw a very large pavilion/temple with some traditional guards massing outside it and wandered across the street to check it out.

After something like a changing of the guards, we were invited up into the pavilion for a bell-ringing ceremony. Being more interested in taking photos, the OAF and I lurked around the edges. At a certain point the guy leading the thing caught me counting along with him in Korean. He stopped his spiel and asked me if I spoke Korean. Which I do just well enough to recognize that question and answer that I don't speak very well. Still, it was funny to watch the two "LA" (OAF's characterization) Waegukin stare at me like I was some kind of funny monkey. Of course they had no idea I had just exhausted all my Korean except for taxi directions and food orders. ;-)

We stayed for the bell ringing and then headed out to Itaewon, where we visited What a Book, the largest used-bookstore for English-speakers. I got two books which will be quite useful for my upcoming paper. On the way up a hill laced with bars, the OAF struggled behind me a few steps, so the bar-girls (there is probably a more precise term) thought I was alone. As the only guy walking up that particular hill, I represented interesting trade, and they hollered various invitations to drink. On the way back down I had the OAF walk next to me.

As something like protection, I guess.

I'm easily influenced, you see.

We wandered a bit more, had some Galbi for late lunch, and then buggered off back to South Central.

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