Thursday, July 31, 2008

YAAAAYZZZ of Yayology!

The former being my response to an email, and the latter being the science of the "yay."

Y'all ought to get on board with it. It's redefining everything.

That abstract I sent to Fukuoka about Korean marketing ---- .. --- that horrible denial and failure?

I reworked it and sent it off to the WCTA conference here in Korea and, unless I'm misreading the following, I've been accepted! And it's in Gwangju, so I'll get to see the god-parent-grand-thingies!

I am delighted to acknowledge that your abstract:

International Tourism Opportunities in Korea: Opportunities for Autocatalytic Emergence

has been accepted for a stand up presentation at the 9th international joint World Cultural Tourism Conference, 14-16 November 2008, Seoul, South Korea.

1. Please send your final full paper via mail to and before 30th

of course I'll now have to finish the research I barely started, but that's ok.. that's ok.

Now, if the OAF would only wander home from her (now 5 hour) attempt to find Tootsie Rolls, we'd go out and partay!

It's my first marketing acceptance.. I'd hug you all.. except most of you are bad smelling big-nosed occidentals..

but... you know.. other than that?



  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Yayyyyzzzzz scrappy boy!

    Did the OAF ever resurface from the great Toostsie Roll Hunt?

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM


    U Da Man!

