Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Stormy Weather...

For about an hour.....

If you look over to the right side of the "lightning crashes" section of the video, you'll see that behind the clouds the sun is still out....

BTW.. the video on top (ooh... not kinky.. very traditional!) is the one I redid after seeing the first one. It made me google something like "how to not suck so bad at youtube." I'm interested if anyone who staggers by sees a difference?

I should also note that less than 40 minutes after that lighting strike? It all went away. 20 minutes after that I was looking at a clear sky.

I love this place!



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    It almost eluded me, but if you look closely in the first 2 seconds of the video, it seems like there's someone making love to a hole in a wall, or something.... As for the sun, I don't see it. However, I can tell that the rain didn't come in the bottom left corner.... The clarity of the second video is awesome.

