Friday, April 11, 2008


UPGRADE #1 - The OAF has received a contract offer from an Hagwon here in South-Central. If she decides to visit the hood, she will be making a princely 2.3 mil (a direct result of the stupid immigration laws that Korea implemented but, hey, we'll take it!). Some details need to be figured out, but it looks likely that she will reverse that trip her ancestors made, yo so many years ago, across the land bridge (historical evidence indicates they were essentially kicked out). And land here. Excellent!

UPGRADE #2 - It seems likely (possible?) that I will get kicked up to a partly administrative gig here. There are a couple of organizational positions coming open and they need someone who has

a) A Masters (and this excludes more people than you would think)
b) Decent people skills (eye-contact while speaking, ability to control drool, excuses self to go to the bathroom)
c) Decent verbal skills (you'd think that any "English Instructor" would have these. Not so.)

The jobs would only get about a 10% raise, but they would also look oh so nifty on my resume when I return.

So.. it looks like this. If I get one of these jobs I will stay in Daejeon for that second year. If I don't, I will either return to the US (unlikely at this moment) or move up to Seoul for my second year.

I'm comfortable with any of these options right now.. so the next thing to do is get the OAF settled in and then see how the rest of this stuff plays out.

Next week midterms begin.. and since they mean brief chats with each student, they include no preparation. It's like another vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    does this mean you will soon acquire the "stare into far far away?"
