Monday, April 28, 2008

Report to the Empire: Part II


  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    weird --- I left a comment and it told me the web page expired!!?? anyway, you look great in the tie and really great over-all.
    love YSM

  2. YSM...

    I'm still totally digging this gig (to use language that should never be matched) and I think that's clear.

    What I want to know is why, if my feet have shrunk, and I've gained back a belt-loop, my head still looks like a block of building material?

    Oh yeah.. let's not even talk about my stomach. ;-)

    CYA in Cambodia one way or the other...

  3. Anonymous11:47 PM

    "Meanwhile, back in the States... dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah....."

    Cover your ass in Cambodia? Is that really something you should say to YSM?

    And your head looks like a block of building material 'cause it's friggin' STUFFED with--err--stuff.

    I likely won't be visiting in July/August--as I am fully expecting to be in a run off in November, but look forward to immoderate drinking in Decemeber.

    HYS and I miss you.

    Yer Sis

  4. Anonymous12:52 AM

    I done tol' ya, you gots da mega-cranium, dude!

