Monday, April 28, 2008


And, man.. it feels goooooood.....

In the course of writing an abstract I came up with the idea (and word) of "exterrogated." This is based on the idiotic idea that there should be "interrogated theory." And yet no malign, evil, betrayer of language has come up with my word (says Google). Until just now in a Soju-frenzy.

I rule evil!

I should get some kind of award. Like and axe through the middle of my head. Or 72 virgins.

Or, get my goddamed paper accepted. There should be some credit given to someone who can come up with a fresh assault on the English language.

Really. I'm begging here.

I've sent the abstract (due on the 30th, but I just heard of it) to BKF for his sage council.

til then I can only appall you all with the first paragraph...
Kim Yong‐Ik, a Korean by birth, English writer by trade, and Korean by death,
attempted to exterrogate questions of empire, orientalization, and theory by
declaring autonomy from any definition. Kim was avowedly anti‐political,
extra‐theoretical, and purposefully resistant to placement. His writings
however, antithetically to his confessed approach, obsessively concerned
themselves with issues attendant to empire: oppression, the state of the
outsider to the state, disconnection, diaspora, and the dream of coming to a
“home” that was not contested; a home of ancestors and not imperials.
Man..I am evil...

The haters spoke on Husker Du... Johhny Marr rewlzz! Rekanize!


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    husker du is ok/ music?

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I'm no sage, although i sent you the reply. I don't know if it was any help. Still, I need my paper back from you! The due date is, like tomorrow!


  3. what about this short fiction called "Exterrogation" by Greg Beatty? obviously not a non-fictional account of the word, but coinage is the question...I don't know...I was just thinking about this word today as well. What do you think it means?

  4. LOL..

    Ok, I created the past tense of evil. It would have to mean "remove questions from the area" since "exter" is Latin for foreign. Thus Kim meant to formally exclude such questions from his work.

    It's utter bullshit, of course, and I only made it up (or whatever) to see if it would fly.

    I believe it did not. ;-)
