Sunday, April 13, 2008

Long day yestiddy..

Woke up early and decided to go running. This despite the fact that I ran the day before that. Before this sounds like an exercise schedule, or anything, I should note that my entire week of running added up to 7 miles. So that would be one mile, or “one large” as I call it when overestimating my effort, per day.


Then it was back home and off to the office to work on my school website. That and a long conversation with the OAF who is, as usual, worrying by making things up in her mind. She has constructed an enormous slave-narrative in her head about how work in a Hagwon will be. At the same time she has a narrative in which she is stranded, alone and without direction, in a cold universe of people who don’t’ care how English is taught. That these narratives are reasonably mutually exclusive means nothing.

At least I cleaned my desk as this psychodrama played out.

At home, I tried to learn me some Korean (I have purchased me a tutor, and this should help_.

Then it was off to the store to drop some money on THE social event of the season – the BPU Wayguk potluck/BBQ. Which actually turned out to be grand. Other than the fact that I dropped 10K Won on two ‘enormous’ baskets of spicy fried chicken bits that turned out to be largely basket.

Two baskets, really. The one basket which contained everything and the artificial (and much smaller) basket suspended within that was built out of aluminum foil. Let’s just say I was taken.
The social event, however, was grand if a bit cold (outdoors). Tons of food, tables of booze (including Tequila, Jaegermeister, Soju and other hard liquors that I stayed miles away from), and lots of folks.

I ate more than I usually do and drank more as well. Didn’t really pig out though, or get any more than buzzed. I’m still puzzling over this thing. In Korea, for a reason I can’t even begin to figure, I don’t overdo things. I miss drinking to oblivion!

My provisional theory is that I hate the United States. This is an unfortunate theory, however, as I plan to return. I suppose I’ll have to narrow it down a bit more.

These here pictures are of some birds that cavort outside my deck. I expect the owl-eyed, sparrow-chested, ellow-bellied sap-suckers who chase innocent birdies can help me with identification?


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I don't know what the birds are...but if I were you, I would stay away from them. AI is pretty much not containable in the are you live...a soothing thought to drink yourself to oblivion, isn't it?

    Before OAF leaves for her dreaded, but longed, somehow, hagwon job, make sure to tell her to visit me. I have the PILLS!


  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Do you also have the magical bottle of medicine that cures me with just a drop?;-p


  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Let me know if those birds taste like chicken, then I will be able to give you a better idea of what they are.


  4. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Dem boids gots dem sum eevil eyez.

