Sunday, February 24, 2008

Plane Safety..

Catching up, finally, the night before I leave for Korea...

On the plane to visit MSM I took a look at the safety pamphlet and just about hooted up the five 'quick' beers I'd had in the Monkey Bar.

The first three panels demonstrate the care one needs to use in preparing an infant for a water-landing (like anyone is gonna survive that, but whatever).

The good news is that the baby is entertained (possibly dancing), the bad news is that there is more to do to ensure safety...

This is more complicated than changing a diaper and the baby, particularly in panel 5, seems to be looking a bit less thrilled by the procedure.

In truth, the baby's suspicion seems to be justified by panel 6:

In which junior hits the water and "goes to the light."

Hypothermia, it's a bitch for the little ones.


  1. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Off to the land of plates of wiggling vomit that tastes of burning gasoline.

    Safe travels.

    Husband of our sis

  2. I'm sure I will have tales to tell...

    or tell of eating actual tails..

    no way to tell...

  3. Hey...Kale will never need to fear airplane crash and an emergency landing on the Pacific with those diagrams...!
