Monday, February 25, 2008

In the Airport ... at the Edge of the World

It's on. Spent last night at Rosotti's Beer garden with BKF, MAK and OAF (BAG has temporarily been named "Overseas Alien Fiancee). This is just the group that should have been there, so it was splendid and I doubt I'll get a cheeseburger quite as greasy as the one's Rosotti's offers once I am in Korea. I'll look, but I doubt I find.

Then off the airport hotel, drinks with the OAF and a teary goodbye this morning ("squish, squish!"). Security lines were minimal and I breezed through, although the TSAs were amused at my backpack of devices. They thought it was amusing I was bringing all those lenses, the video camera, the camera, the computer, and the LCD projector, but didn't have a phone or any keys. Who knows why that is amusing...

It is entirely symbolic of the foresight that I bring to every aspect of my life that I purchased a new battery for the laptop, since the old one just completely coded in the middle of this post. ;-)

I've had my first "What the fuck are you doing, fatboy?" moment and now I sort of cycle between being sad and wondering what awesome shit I'll come across in Daejeon. One night in a hotel in Incheon and then down to my new digs. I managed to squeeze a blanket and sheet into my luggage, so at least I will have something on the first night - apparently this is not provided (though a mat better be or I'll..... I'll, be tired and sore).

Once I'm settled (which is to say, sure I'm staying) I'll start looking for a job for the OAF. And pestering the rest of you about when you're taking your first vacation to lovely Korea. Remember our national motto, "welcome to Korea, please to extrude intestines now."

We're working on it...


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