Thursday, April 12, 2007

Red Meat Love?

I may be turning young again.

Or red meat is the drug I’m dreaming of.

Or both.

I cleaned 1.5 gigs of some stupid pix (the clean ones) off my computer and re-installed Final Cut Pro in expectation of some serious editing tomorrow. Getting all this done has made me giddy in the simple way I used to get giddy when contemplating a future project, and a project I’m not all so fond of at that.

Look at me.
I’m giddy.
Like a schoolgirl.

So.. is red meat an upper? I must also say that House was on again, and I’ve had three beers.

So maybe that is the prescription?

And it was a great House (though must every patient lose sight in one eye?)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Sounds like you might need more cowbell!!
