Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Home.. home again..

Aaaah.. a lovely evening… a cranky day at work with moronic tasks.. “find the chancellor a lapel pin from Institution A.” Really. I spent about an hour looking for a freaking lapel pin. That’s a good way to burn an hour of your expensive paid-liar’s money when we need to grow like cancer this summer and fall.

But I got home and, pursuant to the new personal budget (The vacation was very expensive) I took a walk to the store and purchased food-items that I could eat all week. Nice weather and got some fruits and meat. Yeah, that food group. Cooked up a piece of some kind of lean pork and had two delicious Fosters. Well, I’m unused to the cooking and eating thing in my more efficient than efficiency apartment and first I undercooked the meat, then spilt meat juice (man, that sounds like a line from a gay porno) from the plate onto my couch-duvet (whatever that might be? The fact that I can type “couch-duvet” without vomiting makes me wonder if I am growing ovaries as I type?), and finally kicked over the second Fosters. Still, the combination of beer, meat, and “House” on the Tebelision? I just got that “good all over” feeling that work keeps trying to kill.

Also had finished my latest of round paper markup on the thesis.. this something I have been avoiding for a fortnight (crap, can a guy grow a THIRD ovary?). Other than rewriting the first two pages, I think I did the last structural changes. This was in the 10 pages imported from my first paper on The Author and it had never been a complete fit as it had been written for different purposes. But this look made it fit and I got about 20 pages of changes typed in. I think that one more go round will mean I can pass this on to others to critique. After that it would just be format of paper and sources.

And “Loveline” to end the evening! This fine show brings me news from the outside world. I am not the cruelest boyfriend in the world! There are men with smaller dicks than me! I did not set the land-speed record for premature ejaculation! My addictions are minor compared to the idiots who call Loveline!

Now I will drink some whiskey, and masturbate for 13 seconds while dreaming of beating the BAG.

Now that, my delicate friends, is an evening.

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