Thursday, February 22, 2007

Holy Cow of the Blessed Sciences of Cowology.

Last night I walked home from work. Primarily to start working off some the tremendous layer of blubber I’ve laid on working on these degrees. It’s a lovely little 4-mile jaunt and with about 1.5 miles to go (at the point where I can see the last stoplight before I turn off Main St.) I was pondering how far off that seemed and POW.. it hit me…. Location… The Author is all about location. Specifically dislocation and relocation. And all palaver I’d been typing about vague concepts like “outsiderness” and “vision” were really ways to address dislocation and returning home.

Go fucking figure!

I got home and quickly re-wrote the first 30 pages and suddenly it all flows together and I’m not trying to stitch mis-matched half-ideas together. Now Confucius fits with exile, vision is not attempting to uneasily cohabit with writing style, and the story that didn’t fit is a clear steppingstone on the way to where The Author was working when he expired (probably from reflexive Anti-Americanism!).

The bonus to all this is that I also re-ordered the last 30 pages (they still need to be rewritten) and cut large swaths of off-point stuff (all of which I saved, since it was good analysis, just about other things) and still have 15 minutes before House comes on the air.

Now that’s a productive night.

And if only House had actually been on TV tonight. ;-)

I guess I don’t watch enough TV to know.

Something to work on when the degree is complete

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    So what you are saying is that he was actually a Realtor, not a writer?

    yer sis
