Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Great White Way

I sit perched high above the Swamp Valley College Theatre in my exciting new role as theatre technician for a day. Which is actually pretty fun since it isn’t something I do daily and the limited thrill of figuring out the lighting board and crawling around on catwalks and so forth beats the limited thrill of sitting in my office and trying to pay bills with accounts that have long since run dry. A bit of trauma with the light-board, which froze with some lights on, but a little reboot and we are away. As I sit here the first person is just concluding.. a story about birds.. or something. A slight adjustment to the lights.. and we’re away!

That was less traumatic than it could have been… heh.. ran downstairs to run off . Then some really hot dancers who more or less just shook their breasts. All good by me.. just pans of color in the background. Only one dance though.. whaaaaaa! Now they are setting up in back for the choir.. I hope our sound guy remembers to turn down the mikes when they move them on stage…. Heh .. the wireless mike isn’t working all that well for the lead singer. Turns out the guy had his finger on the mute button. But when we tried to run the Jazz-A-Bet show the sound system apparently jiggled the projector because it flashed on and off…

The Kalimba guy is actually pretty entertaining…

But man.. our sound system is terrible.

Oh well, something to do.

After I get over this flu I'm catching...


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