Saturday, January 06, 2007


Ho hum.

Got a new short story and a very slight biographical essay. Read both and finished the two things I hadn’t read. Took about 1,000 words of notes, but that doesn’t count for anything until it’s in the rough draft.

Got publication dates into my database which is very useful in tracking Kim’s development (If I get completely mad I may pop all this into a relational database with character traits, symbols, locations, etc, and see what pops up that my bloodshot eyes are missing.). Still waiting on the book of short stories which is the most important of the two pieces I have on order. Tomorrow I’ll order the last book I need.

Then it will be finishing up notes on all the books and a bit more writing. After that (Sunday night?) have everything printed out and hop skip and jump over it to nail down my thesis. Class does begin on Monday, after all… ;-) I’ll also have to print out the example thesis they sent me to steal a bit of structure, which I am currently in dire need of.

I have 3,021 words of new writing and still
3,304 words of the old
which means 8,675 to go
(and I guess means that new words will surpass old ones over this weekend)

But all that means in instead of 340 words a day I must now produce 347 (Interesting how this number slips incrementally – a little finger-based math seems to indicate that if I just whacked out 175 words right now I’d hold to the 340 line – amusing, when you consider this blog post is already almost double that 175 I’d need).

Also, to hit the “Just Barely Accredited Master’s Program” model I will need at least 11 more non-authorial citations, which won’t be easy to find for an author no one has ever heard of or written on (I have no idea how someone would have done this research before the intarwebs).

Doublin’ down on the “That Ain’t Gonna Happen” (from now on the “TAGH”) quotient!

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