Monday, January 08, 2007

Stalling... stalling.. staaaaaaaaaaalling!

Reading the two examples they have given me for theses and getting cranky. One is ridiculously jargon-ridden piece arguing that Virginia Woolf was a great writer and not insane – certainly both are possible, but apparently you need to take sides. Worse, the second one compared Walt Whitman to Jim Morrison and somehow managed to avoid the phrase “bloated egotist.” I’m not sure how this is possible? The second one is even shorter than the first, not even making it to 13K words. So I still like my goal of 15k.

Did some research and found two more post-collection stories that may be available through inter-library loan. Have to check on that tomorrow. The Muse Project and MELVYL reveal no other folks who have done any criticism on the dude, so I am even more reassured that I may be the lone ranger

I think this week is to re-read all the pieces and take notes… so here we are..

I have 3,383 words of new writing and still
3,340 words of the old (added a few!)
which means 8,277 to go
(and I guess means that new words will surpass old ones over this weekend)

So I’m at about 345 words needed per day…

Thursday and Friday night I will be in a hotel with the Bizarre Alien Girlfriend and Friday morning she has to work.. so I will just sit there and type… It would be “An Excellent Thing” to be at about 40 pages by the weekend.

Took a lovely walk this afternoon.. intarwebs still down despite landlady’s attempts to fix her router… also did some work-work… so that’s a bonus type thing…

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Say hi to Tonto for me!

    yer sis
