Friday, January 19, 2007

Thesis.. Stasis .... Psoriasis?

No work tonight... beloved BAG is over...

this is made easier by the fact that the landlady has been hospitalized... I could tell something was wrong two days ago when she didn't bring her mail in. But I saw her toodling around in her kitchen that night, so everything seemed fine. Next morning she hadn't brought the mail in and the garbage cans were still out (I didn't pull them in the night before as it was pissing frigid rain onto my unprotected head - I felt like I was dating Rise again!). Weird. Last night I get home and her car is still in the driveway and the house is completely dark and I get in the house and there is this weird sound.

The HEATER is going!

Well, on and off.. since the thermostat is set at about 37 farenheit (she is a properly stingy Indian). But still... this isn't like girlfriend. And it goes on all night.. when the temperature dips to freezing, the central heat comes on for 45 seconds to pop it up to 37 degrees. Same thing when I wake up, and house is still dark... come home this evening and it's the same. So I wander over to the next-doors who take care of the mail when landlady is gone.

They report she's in the hospital with some kind of kidney failure/disease. Which is better than she is lying dead in bed, but it made my previous night's mental exercise of deciding what furniture I would sell if I had to move into a hotel a possibly non-academic exercise. Thank god it takes 60 days to evict a tenant around here. I mean, it's not that I want the landlady to expire, but she's in the hospital and my hypochondria has now externalized itself... ;-)

Oh well...

Hotel Medicine resumes tomorrow and I hope there is plenty of progress to report on the thesis.

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