Thursday, January 18, 2007

It Ain't the Kill, It's the Thrill of the Chase.....


Did I mention that the book of short stories I got is remaindered from the U.S. Army recreational center in Granite City Illinois? This means that every time I open it I am immediately surrounded by a cloud of 40 year old cigarette smoke. I mean the smell is obnoxious – and I’m not one of those pantywaists who want to ban smoking in bars or in public (I think it should be mandatory in birth-wards and rest homes – let’s get to the farking Darwinism!).

Anyway, I ground out some more tonight… I’m up to 11,516 words completed.. which leaves 3,484 measly little words to go.. This also means my daily word count only needs to be 268, which is getting to be quite reasonable and if I pound a couple thousand words out over the weekend I will be able to leave my computer at home when I go a-visiting in two weekends (or, conversely, bring it and really pound this thing into the ground).

I have also entered into a little reading/support group with some of my compatriots. In this group I learned we actually have six months after the end of the course to turn the thing in. I should be done well in time and suspect I’ll be of more use to the rest of the group than they to me – only because I’ll ready to edit their work with mine already in the bag. Well, advisor and Division Chair willing.

Anyway, it’s cold here and I am tired.. Had a lovely day at work – I caused the CEO to erupt violently at one of the VPs and anytime a slug gets hollered at it’s a darned good thing! Our numbers are still way up, and it’s at least partly due to my work, so it looks like this gig will continue to bankroll me until I leave for Korea, whenever that might be.

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