Thursday, November 23, 2006

JC Auto: Born on a Holiday

Off on a holiday. Got started a little late as I had to attend the Associated Students Meeting at Swamp Valley College. The AS sat around for a half hour bemoaning the fact that they didn't have a quorum (50% of all members plus one), which was (a key word here)15 members. Only 10 members were present. After that half hour someone said, "it sure is hard to get 15 members with all the members who are no longer part of the AS because we've suspended them for not coming to meetings."

About two of us got this immediately - if you're waiting for suspended members to be part of a quorum for a number of members that includes suspended members?

Let's just say you can suspend my member anytime you want.

So the chair gathered up all the name tags and started tossing out suspended ones until she had only the missing members who weren't suspended. Eight. Which means the total number of valid members was 18 and there had been a quorum from the start.

43 minutes after scheduled time, the meeting started. My report is early and was brief and I snuck out shortly thereafter.

Picked up the POSSLQ and literally shot over the windiest highway out of Hometown USA. No traffic at all, which is quite odd for a Thanksgiving eve, though the newsradio was reporting trouble getting to ski and gambling destinations.

We also shot up the prettiest coastline in the world and I stopped to take that orange picture (the one without the booze in it).

Unfortunately it took me a while to find a place to pull off the road, and by the time I did it was a bit dark for an ideal photo in a handheld camera type environment thingie.

So that is what you get.

The BAG was so impressed by all this natural splendor (She is one of the dirt-people, you know!) that she spent the entire time

I was trying to find a vantage place for my photo, sitting the lesSUV minutely inspecting the dust on my dashboard.

Like she hadn't seen that a million times before.

I tried to snap a candid shot, but with the self-reflexive narcissism of the truly inspired self-centered, she has a weird radar for cameras and wheeled around and gave me her biggest possible grimace.

That's gonna be some skull when it's up on someone's fireplace mantle.

We stopped off to get a flashlight and some batteries and decided to eat at the Mexican place next to the store. Unfortunately, no one had informed the BAG that Mexican food might include such oddities as burritos, chimichangas, or tacos.

One look at the menu and she wheeled about, out the door and to the completely closed coffee shop next door.

After I explained what the upside down chairs on tables, and turned off lights meant, we hopped back in the lesSUV and headed towards are campsite.

With the native tracking skills of the BAG and my superior intellect and map reading ability, we shot right past the entry to our little campground.

Good enough news as the next turnaround had a lovely little restaurant at which we ate dinner. I had a turkey sandwich and the BAG ordered that traditional Mexican dish, the calimari sandwich, with potatot chips from a bag. You could practically hear the mariachis play!

I was amused because the drink menu included the unusual, "soju saki cocktail" which sounded like just the thing that might be peace to even the warring Japanese and Koreans surrounding Dokdo (look it up, I know you don't know).

Just so I could say I did, I had the Soju Sea Breeze (something like it anyway, neither the waitress nor I knew the ingredients for the thing and when I took a picture of it, the lovely BAG added a traditional Korean gesture to the whole thing - the pointless peace sign in the background.

She could be a finger model, if it weren't for that whole twisted little finger thingy.

We paid (that is to say I did) and headed back to our lovely lodge, which is nestled in the headlands below the foothills (I'm confused) above the ocean. The place is spartan, but we saw several deer, and the mattress is heated, so we will alternately be cooking (me when the BAG has the thing turned on) and freezing (The BAG when I surreptitiously turn it off) and there will be no sleep all night as we fight over control of this.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve, or something.

There is only one outlet in the place, and it serves the lights and the mattress-heater (and I know better than to unplug that) and so I will flail this up to the web, and if the battery on the laptop holds up, take a few more pics from this evening and post them in a bit.

If not, I will simply fight with the BAG.

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